Kindergarten Cop [Blu-ray 4K]
Blu-ray ALL - America - Kino Lorber
Review written by and copyright: Noor Razzak (1st March 2024).
The Film

"Kindergarten Cop," directed by Ivan Reitman and released in 1990, presents a unique concoction of comedy, action, and family drama, featuring Arnold Schwarzenegger in a surprising role as a tough police detective who finds himself teaching kindergarten. The film's attempt to merge these disparate genres results in an entertaining and often heartwarming experience, albeit with some notable flaws.

One of the film's strengths lies in its ability to play on Schwarzenegger's tough-guy image, turning it on its head in a comedic and endearing fashion. The fish-out-of-water premise, where a no-nonsense cop must navigate the challenges of a kindergarten classroom, provides ample opportunities for humor and allows Schwarzenegger to showcase his versatility as an actor. His interactions with the young students are charming, and the contrast between his stoic demeanor and the children's innocence generates several laugh-out-loud moments.

The film also benefits from its well-crafted supporting cast, particularly Penelope Ann Miller as Joyce, the kindergarten teacher, and Pamela Reed as Schwarzenegger's partner. The camaraderie between these characters adds depth to the narrative and contributes to the film's overall appeal. The children, despite adhering to some stereotypical roles, deliver convincing performances that enhance the comedic and emotional aspects of the story.

However, "Kindergarten Cop" falters in maintaining a consistent tone throughout. While the blend of action and comedy works in many instances, there are moments when the film struggles to strike the right balance. The abrupt shifts between lighthearted classroom scenes and more intense action sequences may leave some viewers feeling disconnected and unsure of the film's intended mood.

Additionally, the screenplay occasionally relies on predictable plot devices and clichés, particularly in its portrayal of the villainous character Crisp played by Richard Tyson. The narrative, at times, follows a formulaic path, diluting the impact of certain plot twists and reducing the overall surprise factor for the audience.

Despite these shortcomings, "Kindergarten Cop" manages to deliver a unique and entertaining viewing experience. It blends humor, action, and heart in a way that sets it apart from conventional genre films. Schwarzenegger's charismatic performance, supported by a talented ensemble cast, ensures that the film remains enjoyable, even if it occasionally stumbles in its attempts to seamlessly integrate its diverse elements.

"Kindergarten Cop" is a commendable experiment in genre fusion, showcasing Arnold Schwarzenegger's comedic range while delivering moments of genuine warmth. While the film may not escape some clichés and tonal inconsistencies, its ability to entertain and evoke laughter makes it a worthwhile addition to the action-comedy genre.


Presented in the film's original theatrical ratio of 1.85:1 widescreen and mastered in 4K 2160p 24/fps using HEVC compression and enhanced with HDR10 and Dolby Vision. Kino Lorber has provided a brand new restoration from the original 35mm camera negative and the result is the best this film has ever looked. Maintaining the film's look with fine grain, natural colors, and beautiful detail right down to Arnold's stubble. Blacks and deep and bold, whites aren't overblown, skin tones look great and the overall image is clean and free from any dirt or debris. This is an unexpected 4K upgrade that's worth it.


Two audio tracks are included in English DTS-HD Master Audio 5.1 surround and a down-mixed English DTS-HD Master Audio 2.0 Stereo track. While it's not the original theatrical audio mix the 5.1 DTS track is excellent with clean and clear dialogue, well balanced surround features a lively score and effects, gun shots sound realistic, ambient sounds are subtle. Overall the audio is excellent. Optional subtitles are included in English for the hearing impaired only.


Kino Lorber has included only a light amount of extras, mostly two audio commentaries, plus some theatrical trailers. It's a shame that for what would have been a fairly sizeable studio movie for the time that none of the behind-the-scenes material that was created is anywhere to be seen on any of the home video releases of this film over the years. At least Kino went out of their way to produce some commentaries!


This disc includes the film in 2160p 4K presentation.

The first of two audio commentaries is with film historians Alexandra Heller-Nicholas and Josh Nelson, newly recorded in 2023, these two offer up a light and entertaining track commenting on the film's impact, on Arnold's career up to that point, as well as an exploration into the film's themes.

The second audio commentary is with film historian Samm Deighan, also newly recorded in 2023, this track takes a more critical look at the film, especially in terms of the tone of the film and trying to balance a family comedy with a darker action film as well as the audience and critical response to the film upon its release.


This disc features the film in HD 1080p.

The same two audio commentaries are also included here.

The disc also features the film's original theatrical trailer (2:03), plus a collection of bonus trailers for:

- "Face/Off"
- "Hard Target"
- "2 Days in the Valley"
- "Ronin"
- "Stone Cold"
- "Bird on a Wire"
- "Out of Sight"
- "The Usual Suspects"
- "Mystery Men"


Packaged in a standard two disc keep case housed in a cardboard slip-case.


The Film: B- Video: A+ Audio: A Extras: B- Overall: B+


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